Going Global
Harnessing our Potential
While studying abroad in Helsinki, Finland, I noticed that the city had various cultural celebrations in addition to their own. One that stands out is the Lunar New Year celebration. In promoting the event, the city commissioned ice sculptors to create ice replicas of mythical creatures and post them around the central hub of Helsinki. During the weeklong event, there were plays and various other themed events surrounding the Lunar New Year. I was in awe of the dedication and preparations that the city showed to address an event that around 2% of the population had any direct ties to.
This reminded me of when Tulsa used to have events that celebrated multiple cultures and themes, like the Jazz Festival. I believe that a community giving space and time to allow diverse cultures to express themselves is critical for fostering understanding and tolerance. Giving communities those moments where we can all come together to appreciate each other allows for more voices to be heard and new ideas to be shared. If you don't know your neighbors, is there truly a community? I’m committed to helping our district get to know each other again.
Lifting up the many cultures that makeup District 6 is crucial to rebuilding our sense of community. As your councilor I will push to:
Invest in a comprehensive community center: Investing in a location where the community can get access to city resources and complete with satellite consulate services for our immigrating neighbors will connect all members of our community with the services they need to thrive and contribute.
Create more cultural festivals: We are lucky to have such a diverse district, and it's something we should celebrate more. I will encourage and help facilitate more events that help to uplift and celebrate the cultures of District 6.